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 <!no_compare> as email address Nächstes Thema anzeigen
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Anmeldedatum: 10.09.2012
Beiträge: 25

BeitragVerfasst am: Mo Dez 05, 2022 13:30 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

icke1954 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Strange that this still doesn't work?
Please use an editor to look into the general.ini of your MPE database folder.
If there is an entry 'UseOutlookObjectModel=1' you should remove it.

there was no such line in general.ini in %APPDATA%\roaming\myphoneexplorer\
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Anmeldedatum: 10.09.2012
Beiträge: 25

BeitragVerfasst am: Mo Dez 05, 2022 15:06 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

When I create contacts in mobile phone, they appear in MPE and Outlook with e-mail address.

When I create contacts in Outlook, they appear in mobile phone with the <!no_compare> as e-mail address and in MPE without e-mail address. When I add e-mail address to such contact, it's added as the second e-mail address, the first shown empty.[/quote]

This only happens when I create contact from company's Global Address List, creating contact manually does not trigger this problem.
Still may be Outlook 2010 issue

Edit: I have generated sync debug log and the e-mail address sent to phone was already <!no_compare>
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Anmeldedatum: 20.12.2011
Beiträge: 15

BeitragVerfasst am: Fr Jan 05, 2024 00:22 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

I'm having this same issue. I was running fine on v1.8.x (I forget, but can probably look, if needed) with my Galaxy S8. I recently upgraded to my newer Galaxy S20, and all seemed fine there too, using the same version of both the app and the desktop versions.

I then update both the app and my desktop version to the latest just a couple days ago. Things were working fine, as far as I could tell.

Today, when I went to sync, it showed me a BUNCH of extra contacts that it wanted to add to my phone, so I went and looked in Outlook and there were a bunch of duplicates for many of my contacts, but seemed to be missing emails. So I spot-checked about 10 of them, and then delete those duplicates from Outlook, and they were easy to find, because they didn't have names of contacts displayed at the top of the contact card when in "card" view.

My guess is that during a previous/recent sync, I didn't notice that there were a ton of changes, and maybe, now that something with email addresses isn't working right, these contacts (minus their email address and display name) got synced to my phone as different entries than what I already had, because they didn't have a display name or email address, and so I ended up with duplicate entries on my phone and I caught it when syncing back to Outlook.

Anyway, that's kind of the history of how to got to notice the email address issue that seems to have come up after my phone/desktop version upgrades.

My company is running Office 365, so that's the Outlook I'm syncing with, and it seems that contacts that I had created from external companies continue to sync fine (and have an email address), while people I've added using this process (most typically):

-In an email, right-click the person, open outlook properties, add to contacts

how have no email listed in the MyPhoneExplorer Desktop app and in my phone contact list show up as email category "other" (listed as "email" or "email 2" or "email 3" in Outlook contact) and have <!no_compare> listed as the data for this type "other" email.

It made me wonder if maybe there was some special, hidden character in the name in Outlook that was causing a problem, so I copied the content email address in Outlook and pasted it into a hex editory and there's no special/hidden characters. Just out of curiosity, I copied the email address in Outlook into the Notes field, saved it, ran a sync with MPE and the email address sync'ed into the notes field fine. Then, I copied it back from the notes field into the email field, sync'd again, and the email now shows up properly in MPE. Just, as an email more simple experiment, I took another contact with the same issue, and I just copied the email to clipboard and pasted it right back into the email address field, and saved the contact (with no sync or other action in between), did a sync again, and the email showed up just fine (still listed as "other")...

Okay, now curious. I booted my old phone, and while I THOUGHT it was working fine on the old version (which I'd not upgraded, in quite a long time), but it seemed to be doing the same thing, and I guess I never noticed because I rarely email people it work from my phone...

On my S20 (and my desktop now), I'm running all the latest versions.

On my S8, I'm running 1.0.80, and on my desktop, prior to recent upgrade, I was running 1.815

Earlier in the thread, general.ini was mentioned... I looked in that file, and it did exist, but it was completely empty.

A work-around would seem to be to copy and paste the email address, save, and the sync, but I have about 840+ of them and most of them are from work, so even if only half were from work, that'd be a lot of tedious work. Happy to help debug, if you let me know how I can help. Smile
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Anmeldedatum: 20.12.2011
Beiträge: 15

BeitragVerfasst am: Sa Jan 06, 2024 00:27 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

I've done a little more looking into this issue... I made a little script in outlook to loop through all my contacts and show all that contact that end with <companyname>.com and set a watch on the OutlookContact.EmailAddress variable, and as I step through the code in debug mode and watch the value of that change as it iterates though my contacts, I see that email address that were NOT created by adding an Outlook contact from our company global address book (i.e. "In an email, right-click the person, open outlook properties, add to contacts" as mentioned in my previous post), then the email address looks normal, for example:


but when I get to one that I added from our company address book, they look like:

"/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)/cn=Recipients/cn=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-lastname"

or, another example looked like:

"/o=companyname/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)/cn=Recipients/cn=LastName, FirstName W453"

When you look at such a contact in your Outlook contact list, the email address looks just fine, but when you look at the string for objContact.Email1Address, it seems to be stored in this LDAP type format.

Also, I tried syncing when using the Outlook Plugin and without, but same results. i.e. getting <!no compare> in place of those LDAP strings for contacts that were added to my contact list via Outlook Add-Contact (from internal/global contact list).

Also, I don't know if it matters or not, but I also noticed that when you look at your COM Add-ins in Outlook, move of the plugins have a location that starts with something like:

c:\program Files (x86)\blah, blah, blah...

But the MyPhoneExplorer add-in is the only one that starts like:

file:///C:\Program Files (x86)\blah, blah, blah.
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Anmeldedatum: 19.04.2014
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BeitragVerfasst am: Sa Jan 06, 2024 21:44 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Skier hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Earlier in the thread, general.ini was mentioned... I looked in that file, and it did exist, but it was completely empty.

This is the wrong place then!Exclamation
If the general.ini is empty, MPE cannot be started without errors.
MPE database folder location:
Look MPE => F2 => Edvanced 2 => Database

Skier hat Folgendes geschrieben:
When you look at such a contact in your Outlook contact list, the email address looks just fine, but when you look at the string for objContact.Email1Address, it seems to be stored in this LDAP type format.

Thank you for your information, maybe this will help to solve the problem?!

Samsung Galaxy S3 / Android 4.3
Samsung Galaxy S5 / Android 6.01
Samsung Galaxy S8 / Android 9.0
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Android 10.0
Samsung Galaxy S20 / Android 13.0
MPE Version 2.1 akt. Nightly / akt. MPE-Client Beta
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BeitragVerfasst am: Mo Jan 08, 2024 12:47 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

You get the <!no compare> only if MyPhoneExplorer is using the old Outlook COM Interface, normally the sync gets the data throught the Outlook Redemption Library which is able to resolve the address directly.

Please send me the logfile after sync via email with a link to this thread: Menu-File-Settings-Show logfile

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Anmeldedatum: 20.12.2011
Beiträge: 15

BeitragVerfasst am: Mo Jan 08, 2024 20:09 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

icke1954 hat Folgendes geschrieben:

This is the wrong place then!Exclamation
If the general.ini is empty, MPE cannot be started without errors.
MPE database folder location:
Look MPE => F2 => Edvanced 2 => Database

Okay, I'm not sure where I was looking and found an empty general.ini the other day, but I looked today, using those steps (which seemed to point to the same location, LOL), and my general.ini is full of stuff, but DOESN'T have the "UseOutlookObjectModel" that someone earlier said to remove, so I'm good to go with that setting. Smile Thanks.
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Anmeldedatum: 20.12.2011
Beiträge: 15

BeitragVerfasst am: Mo Jan 08, 2024 20:15 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

FJ hat Folgendes geschrieben:
You get the <!no compare> only if MyPhoneExplorer is using the old Outlook COM Interface, normally the sync gets the data throught the Outlook Redemption Library which is able to resolve the address directly.

Please send me the logfile after sync via email with a link to this thread: Menu-File-Settings-Show logfile

Will generate and send log files now. Also, FYI, in case it's related, I noticed that general.ini has this [possibly related] entry:
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Anmeldedatum: 20.12.2011
Beiträge: 15

BeitragVerfasst am: Mo Jan 08, 2024 20:51 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Debug Log sent. Thanks.
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Anmeldedatum: 20.12.2011
Beiträge: 15

BeitragVerfasst am: Do Feb 08, 2024 18:52 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

After a few debug/logging sessions, this issue has been fully resolved in a recent beta. Great work, FJ! Thanks!!!
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