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BeitragVerfasst am: Sa Aug 11, 2007 07:49 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

I want to create one application in which when i will get call then this calling number will autometicaly save into outlook or access database.

Plz help me. or give me solution how can i usu your dll's.
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 15.02.2006
Beiträge: 31535
Wohnort: Tirol

BeitragVerfasst am: Sa Aug 11, 2007 09:57 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

You don't have to use any dll. MyPhoneExplorer informs you about new things with an EventHandler. Please read the FAQ
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Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 15.02.2006
Beiträge: 31535
Wohnort: Tirol

BeitragVerfasst am: Sa Aug 11, 2007 15:18 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Sorry, i didn't know that its not in the english FAQ. If you make new entrys in the general.ini-file of MyPhoneExplorer it will run a script/exe/whatever. The data will be transfered throught the commandline-interface. You'll find the file general.ini in the database-folder of MyPhoneExplorer

OnMissedCall=C:\Test.exe missednumber="%number"

Other Handlers are:
OnAcceptedCall (%number|%user)
OnOutgoingCall (%number|%user)
OnIncomingCall (%number|%user)
OnAutomaticConnect (%user)
OnManualConnect (%user)
OnIncomingMessage (%number|%text|%pdu|%user)
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BeitragVerfasst am: Sa Okt 13, 2007 23:59 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

I want to send received message's to a internet website through the URL.

Iv'e treid it with the following entry in general.ini:


In that PHP script I've made the action that a email must be send to me, but I don't receive anything.

Can you explain how I could use the Eventhandler to do this?
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 15.02.2006
Beiträge: 31535
Wohnort: Tirol

BeitragVerfasst am: So Okt 14, 2007 17:00 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

The Handler does not connect to the web. It starts a local srcipt or executable. Write a script which connects to your server and it will work.
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BeitragVerfasst am: So Okt 14, 2007 21:35 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Thnx for the reply... Then iI must code some script on my localmachine.

Anmeldedatum: 22.08.2006
Beiträge: 59

BeitragVerfasst am: Mo Okt 15, 2007 09:21 Antworten mit ZitatNach oben

Petar hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Thnx for the reply... Then iI must code some script on my localmachine.

No, if you use for example cUrl you dont have to write a local script.
So if you use:

OnIncomingMessage=C:\path\to\curl\curl.exe -s ""%text"&phone="%user""

your script should work...

If you want to use other commandline options of cUrl, type "curl -h" in your command promt...

EDIT: If you have troubles with special chars, its really better to use a script Wink


For i = 0 to (WScript.Arguments.Count - 1)
   sCommand = WScript.Arguments(i)
   sCommand = URLPathEncode(sCommand)   
   sCommands = sCommands & sCommand & " "

sCommands = Trim(sCommands)

set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")

sScriptName = Wscript.ScriptFullName
sScriptPath = fs.getparentfoldername(sScriptName)

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run sScriptPath & "curl.exe -o ""C:\test.txt"" -s """ & sCommands & """", 0, True

Function URLPathEncode(Text)
    sTemp = Text
    For i = Len(Text) To 1 Step -1
        Char = Asc(Mid(Text, i, 1))
        If (Char >= 97 And Char <= 122) Or (Char >= 48 And Char <= 57) Or (Char >= 65 And Char <= 90) Or (Char >= 45 And Char <= 47) Then
        ElseIf (Char = 95) Or (Char = 126) Or (Char = 38) Or (Char = 58) Or (Char = 61) Or (Char = 63) Or (Char = 64) Or (Char = 35) Or (Char = 33) Or (Char = 36) Or (Char = 42) Or (Char = 43) Then
            sTemp = Left(Text, i - 1) & ("%" & Hex(Char)) & Mid(sTemp, i + 1)
        End If
    URLPathEncode = sTemp
End Function

To start this script:

OnIncomingMessage=C:\path\to\script\curl.vbs ""

Note: the file "curl.exe" has to be in the same folder as the "curl.vbs"

That worked perfect for me...
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