I have just upgraded to Office 2010 and Outlook 2010 syncs to my HTC Sensation (running v.2.3.4) using the excellent MPE in all respects, except the contact pictures in Outlook (90x90px).
Is there a solution or workaround to my problem?
My apologies if this query has been raised before.
Anmeldedatum: 06.02.2012
Beiträge: 2
Verfasst am:
Di Feb 07, 2012 18:14
The problem was finally resolved only after deleting all the contacts in my HTC Sensation and then doing a 'force outlook>phone' at which point I now have contact photos visible on the phone.
However, I see that adding or updating photos to existing Outlook records are not synced to the phone, unless I first delete the appropriate records from the phone. A 'pain' but at least a workaround.
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