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NeLSoN schrieb am 29.04.2007, 15:23

There should be more people like you! This program just ROCKS! It's fast, easy to use and it works great!

Sony Ericsson should be ashamed of their crappy software!

Keep up the great work!

Smokescreen schrieb am 29.04.2007, 12:45

Downloaded, installiert, sofort gemerkt das ist DIE SW, die ein K800 braucht. Sony sollte neidig werden. Spende folgt.
Hans schrieb am 29.04.2007, 09:42

Really GREAT program. My compliments
Plauze schrieb am 28.04.2007, 17:09

verammt nochmal wie gut ist diese software?!!?!

ausgezeichnete arbeit
Technoboy schrieb am 28.04.2007, 11:32

I installed this for a friend after spending many unsuccessful hours trying to install the Sony Ericsson software supplied with the K800i.
I was astounded by how quickly MyPhoneExplorer installed. It worked immediately and I was very impressed.
How comes an individual can write such good software when a big conglomerate like Sony Ericsson can only produce highly bloated software that often doesn't even work (as witnessed by all the postings one finds on the Net when trying to get information on the installation).
ADTC schrieb am 28.04.2007, 05:53

TOTALLY AWSOME SOFTWARE!!! LOVING EVERY BIT OF IT :-D :lol: :-)X :mdr: oh well/ :; :V) :V) :V) smile :;
Snow Snake schrieb am 27.04.2007, 21:05

Thanks for this wonderful application! I've been looking for something like this for ages! Keep up the good work big grin
Alex schrieb am 27.04.2007, 18:49

Danke für die echt tolle Software die du da gemacht hast.
Ganz grosses Lob von meiner Seite aus :-)X .
Tanoz schrieb am 27.04.2007, 12:31

Super... :; dík za pomoc. Dobré stránky... :-)X oh well/ oh well/
Lukas schrieb am 27.04.2007, 10:58

Thanks, and keep on good work!!